Wednesday, February 14, 2007

1 Corinthians 13

This is the time to commemorate LOVE as told by St. Paul

If I could speak all the human and angelic tongues,
but have no LOVE,
I would only be sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
If I had the gift of prophecy,
knowing secret things will all kinds of knowledge,
and had faith great enough to move mountains,
but have no LOVE,
I would be nothing.
If I gave everything I had to the poor,
and even give up my body to be burned,
if I am without LOVE,
It would be of no value to me.

Love is patient,
without envy.
It is not boastful or arrogant.
It is not ill-mannered nor does it seek its own interest.
Love overcomes anger and forgets offenses.
It does not take delight in the wrong,
but rejoices in truth.
Love excuses everything,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.

Love will never end.
Prophecies may cease,
tongues be silent and knowledge disapper.
For knowledge grasps something of the truth and prophecy as well.
And when what is perfect comes,
everything imperfect will pass away.
When I was a child I thought and reasoned like a child,
but when I grew up,
I gave up childish ways.
at present we see dimly as in mirror,
but then it shall be face to face.
Now we know in part,
but then I will know as I am known.
Now we have faith,
these three,
but the greatest of these is LOVE.

Happy Valentine's Day
Love you all...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Letter to the One God has intended for me

My Beloved,
How are you? I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I was wondering what you would look like, how we would meet and how we would know that we have already found each other. Sometimes, it weakens me to think about these things but I just console myself with the fact the someday we would meet.

I've been waiting for you all my life and I know, somehow, you are waiting for me too. I just want you to know that I won't give up looking for you. No matter how many times I get hurt or fall down. No matter how many times I cry or break down. I would still be here waiting patiently for you, even if my tears are more than my laughter.

All I ask to God right now is to keep safe from all harm, for Him to stay by your side as we go on our journery in search of each other. I guess you better know by now that I'm not that pretty, smart or confident. I may not even pass as the woman of your dreams but I just wish that you would look overlook all my limitations and see the real me who is utterly, unceasingly, in love with you. I know that you are more than what I expected and I know that, that matter alone is unfair to you but I wish that you would still accept my love for you amidst my imperfections. And when you do give me the second glance and accept me, I know that you would teach me to be more than what I want to be. And together, we would grow more as a person in God.

This valentine's day made me anticipate our meeting more than it did any other day. And I hope that when that day comes we would find true happiness and love that no one else in this world could compare...

May God almighty grant me this wish... no matter how selfish it may seem...
and lastly, I want to say I Love You.. from the depths of my soul...

Your Dearest

Monday, February 12, 2007


Despite the long test and major reporting I will take on monday, February 12, I still pusued to join my mom in Baguio... hehehe.. not a work of a student (which means studies first) but it pays to be deviant once in a while. So anyway, I just photocopied some of my notes and brought them with me...
Enough of that.. what I truly enjoyed was the car ride going to Baguio.. Originally, the ones that was going to be with us in the car was Kuya Ted, Mang Ed, Tita Marie, Mama and me. But due to circumstances (the car!! hehehe) Kuya Paco and Kuya Bong took charge of driving instead of Kuya Ted and Mang Ed.
The pair was really fun.. They shared a lot of jokes and I totally enjoyed the ride. I fell asleep somewhere in Tarlac until we reach Baguio.. It was a bumer since I wanted to stay awake the whole ride but who could blame me.. We left the office 10pm.. we arrived 6am...
In Baguio, we spent the whole morning taking a bath.. Funny but true... there was only one bathroom for 18 people.. I mean come on.. most of us were girls which means 30 minutes for each one... During the long wait, I review some of my notes in chemistry.. hehehe... after the long wait, we went to camp john hay.. we ate there (hotshots and shakeys) then we had to go. The car assignments is still the same so I had lots of laugh during the car rides... We almost got lost because none of us could remember the way to anywhere.. Kuya Bong and Kuya Paco really made it a fun run.. none of us were nervous in getting lost because of them.. After that we went to Mines View.. I didn't get to see the view cause I've seen it too many times but I loved the stalls there.. My mom bought me a trench coat which cost 400 but sold it to me 380... I even bought some bracelets and keychains for my friends in school. I tried to buy the barrel man but it was too expensive... 65 for the smallest.. that's a lot of money.. I could buy 6 more bracelets with that money.. After mines we went to Burnham park.. nothing really special.. we just went to the ukay-ukay (i didn't get to buy anything)... and the market place to buy 'pasalubong'. My mom bought a lot that we had to ask somebody to carry it for us.
Along the way, nanakawan ako... it's the first time ever.. hopefully the last.. I lost my pasalubong, the bracelets and the medicine container. Good thing, he didn't get the money it was worth 200 and kuya paco's shades.. which was oakly... sobra.. i still thank God that the one that was snached holds nothing of importance (except the medicine box). I slept early that night since it was a very tiring day.
The next morning, my mom woke me up at 345am just to take a bath since by early morning a lot of us would be crowding the bathroom. But after I took a bath I feel asleep again by 420 hehehe... By 8am we went to the strawberry farm.. there are also stalls in there where I bought another round of bracelets for my friends... My mom bought some shirts and strawberrys which are super delicious. Then we went to mass.. we were late.. the priest was already doing the Homily.. which I couldn't understande because it was in Ilocano... but anyway after the mass we went to Grotto.. the 200 steps... there are stalls there again so I bought another bracelet to give my friends... After that we went home via kenon road so that we could see the Lion.. it was cute, though there are many vandals surrounding it but still cute... then we went home.. I promise myself the I wouln't fall asleep during the ride but lo and behold I did... but it was only for 30 minutes.. we ate at KFC then after that we went straight home with no stop overs.
Again the car ride was so fun but now we (mama, me and tita marie) were with kuya paco and kuya ted... but it was okay.. it was fun.. they shared their funny moments in the office and I couldn't stop laughing... They were such great company... I really enjoyed my time in Baguio...