Monday, February 13, 2006

Survey lang....

1. last movie you watched?~ Oceans 11... (Go Brad Pitt!!! lol)
2. with whom?~ My Parents and My brothers (for short... buong family...)
3.last song you heard?~ Just the Girl by Click 5
4.last thing you bought?~ gel pen... nawala ko kasi ulit ballpen ko.. hehe
5.last thing that made you smile?~ an image of someone
6.last thing you heard your parent(s) say?~ bye... ingat sa skul... (sina papa ng hatid sa akin...)
7.last thing you said to your parent (s)?~ ingat din... hehe
8.last thing you said to one of your friends?~ uwi na ko... bye.. (puro goodbye yata mga last ko???)...
9.persons who sincerely said you're beautiful?~ hehehe... Mama... (love you too, Ma)
10.last person who messaged you in ym / msn?~ My group in English... discuss kami about the paper... ang sad naman...
11.Is someone courting you?~ nope...
12. Do you like chinese food?~ ok lang...
13. Do long distance relationships work?~ wouldn't know... sorry
14. Do you like coffee? ~ I drink when necessary...
15. How do you like your eggs? ~ not that much...
16. What was the last text message you received and from whom? ~ ID.. ID... ID... from Mama... nalimutan ko kasi ID ko eh... (Never changed)
17.Do you know how to swim? ~ yup!
18. Favorite ice cream? ~ cookies and cream; strawberry
19. Tell me a random fact about yourself ~ i love books...
20. Favorite quote? ~ "Pray as if everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on you."
21. What are you doing this weekend? ~ get a haircut... attend the Youth Prayer meeting... Chings's debut... 3rd sunday, EDSA Shrine...
22.What are you listening to right now?- Jeepney by Sponge Cola
23.A part of song lyrics that's in your mind rightnow?- subalit ngayon'y wala na... ikaw ay lumayo na... Naaalala ko ang mga gabi... nakahiga sa ilalim ng kalawakan... naalala mo ang mga gabi... magkatabi sa ulan... (tama ba?)
24. What is your best day of the week?- SATURDAY
25.What are you craving to have right now?- taho... hehehe
26. Do you like twins?- yes...
27.Mary had her little lamb. What do you wannahave?- peace... seryoso po ito... hehehe...
28.Say anything you like to whoever is readingyour answers!- do this survey... it's fun...
29.what kind of girl / boy do you like?- who is super nice and respects me a lot, kahit na 'weird' ako (according to some people)
30.Any last Request?- A new cellphone...


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